Let the technology·
push us forward·


·Become a member

    Learn the terms of joining the AI Chamber.

    Please indicate your consent.

    Why should you join the AI Chamber?

    • Is AI in your scope? Do not let yourself stay out of the loop. Not only AI regulations but also AI findings could have an impact on what you do, even if you are not aware of it. You should always be up to date for your business and your own good.
    • Do you feel that your AI solution could have a real impact? Show it to us! Show it to other members. AI Chamber could easily raise the visibility of your work.
    • Are you looking for the newest AI research? You will find it here. Do you want to research different aspects of AI? It’s also the right place.
    • Having difficulties in understanding AI regulations? This is what the AI Chamber was created for!
    • Are you eager to exchange views and experiences with AI experts? Feel invited! AI Chamber is a platform for discussions.
    • Do you want to build an European AI ecosystem? You will not do this on your own.
      Get associated!

    Only one YES would be enough to seriously consider membership in the AI Chamber.
    With time, more yeses will come.

    Join the AI Chamber now!