Consultation time regarding the AI Act
The Artificial Intelligence Act is the world’s first law that comprehensively addresses the challenges related to the development of AI. The new EU law requires implementation in member states. The Ministry of Digitalization is starting work on implementing the Act into Polish law and invites participation in pre-consultations on implementation assumptions.
On March 13, 2024, the European Parliament approved a new regulation. The Artificial Intelligence Act is the world’s first law of its kind, aimed at comprehensively regulating the AI sector. The regulation is based on a risk-based approach, making the obligations of providers and implementers of AI models and systems contingent upon the potential risk of causing harm to citizens, societies, and economies. More information about the Act can be found in the article regarding Poland’s stance on the adoption of the regulation and on the artificial intelligence portal.
The EU regulation requires member states to adapt their national legal systems to implement the new rules in practice. To best prepare Poland for this process, the Ministry of Digitalization is initiating a broad consultation process on the implementation of the new law.
In the initial stage of consultations, the Ministry of Digitalization seeks to obtain preliminary feedback from stakeholders in the AI sector regarding the directions for implementing the Act into the Polish legal system. To this end, the Ministry requests input by responding to four questions.
- Should the implementation of the Act necessitate the creation of a completely new regulatory body dedicated to this area in the Polish legal system, or should this function be fulfilled by existing bodies or a body? Please justify your answer and, if applicable, indicate existing public institutions that should fulfill this function.
- In connection with the implementation of the Act, should the function of the notifying authority be carried out by an existing entity or entities, or by a new entity established for this purpose? Please justify your answer and, if applicable, specify the existing entity that should fulfill this function.
- In connection with the implementation of the Act, should the functions of the market supervision authority and the notifying authority be performed by the same institution or by independent bodies cooperating based on task division? Please justify your answer and, if applicable, indicate existing entities that should fulfill these functions.
- What categories of stakeholders – such as authorities, institutions, organizations, businesses, social groups, categories of citizens, etc. – should be given priority in terms of communication and educational activities regarding the implementation process of the European regulation on Artificial Intelligence?
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