Start of AI Chamber
The inauguration of the AI Chamber (Chamber of AI) took place in Warsaw, a newly established institution uniting dozens of startups, companies, organizations, and AI NGOs in Poland, and eventually across the entire CEE region.
This is an important voice in the community because in a world of misinformation, changing narratives, interests, and, let’s not hide it, propaganda – the consolidation of the community, speaking with one voice, and seeking common goals and ideas is invaluable.
The organization will, among other things, support responsible AI development, assist in the implementation of AI solutions in business, and represent the interests of its members in dialogue with Polish governmental and local administration institutions, the European Union, and NGOs worldwide. One of the first tasks of the AI Chamber will be to develop a common position of its members regarding the adaptation of national regulations to the European AI Act and publish a report on SME research in several European countries.
The institution will emphasize the ethical use and implementation of artificial intelligence, which regularly appears in public debate. The institution’s plans include cooperation with experts in developing ethical standards and best practices in the field of AI, which will have a direct impact on building societal trust in artificial intelligence technology.
“The coming years will be crucial for the development of AI technology in Europe and in Poland. Ahead of us is the implementation of the AI Act, as well as other elements of the European strategy, such as the AI Factories program. In Poland, we also need substantive discussion on the Polish AI strategy – both as an economic sector and as technologies serving society. The AI Chamber will be an important voice in these discussions,” commented Alek Tarkowski, director of the Open Future foundation and longtime director of the Centrum Cyfrowe.
fot. Łukasz Ptaszyński
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Europejski AI Act – spotkanie członków AI Chamber
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